

What is social media?

Social media is the collective term for all online platforms where a user can post content. With little or no intervention from an editorial team. The most famous examples of online platforms are Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Online platforms are always interactive and completely transparent. A lot of information is exchanged between users. There is also a regular dialogue between users.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is: Using social media to communicate with consumers and other parties. Social media marketing is a marketing technique in which social media channels are used to maintain contact with the target group.

Why should you include social media marketing in your online marketing strategy?

The voice of the consumer has been given enormous reach through social media. According to Facebook, there is an average of 1.23 trillion active Facebook users every day.
The massive expressions on social media can significantly influence the behavior of your target group. That is why it is crucial for companies to be present on social media. And to actively participate in the conversation there.
But there are even more reasons why social media is interesting for companies. Below you will find nine important benefits of social media.

Nine benefits of social media for companies

Brand awareness

By being actively present on social media with your company, you increase your brand awareness. Consumers will, therefore, be more likely to recognize your brand, product, or company.

Responding to changes in purchasing behavior

The rise of social media has brought about a change in purchasing behavior. The consumer's opinion is partly formed by the information he or she obtains through social media. When a consumer follows your brand or company on social media, he is more likely to purchase a product from you. If a customer is satisfied with your product, he will be more likely to recommend it in his network.


Social media is ideal for posting subject-related content. This will make followers more likely to see you as the authority in this field.

More traffic to your website

On socials you have the option to place a link to your website in your posts. By posting these types of messages regularly, you can significantly increase traffic to your website.

Good for your search engine optimization

Most social media websites use no-follow tags. This means that Google will not include the link to your website in the search results. Despite this, social media websites score high in search engines. Websites with links to social media channels also rank higher than websites without social media links.
Apparently, Google takes social media into account as a factor in the ranking of your company. This may be due to the fact that Google values natural links. When your company is talked about on social media, this is a natural process. This creates natural links that have not been staged.
If you want to end up high in Google's search results, social media should definitely be part of your search engine optimization strategy.

Makes niche marketing easy

You can easily search by demographic characteristics or interests via social media channels. It is, therefore, easier to reach a specific part of the market.

Cheap local advertising

Many companies offer their services or products locally. Consider, for example, a pedicure, a hairdresser, or a small shop in the city center. Many social media channels allow local advertising. Often for a fraction of the regular advertising rates. Socials have made it much easier and cheaper to target advertising. And thus reach local consumers.

Recruit personnel

Recruiting staff has become easier since the advent of social media. You post a post with the vacancy. Followers will start tagging interested parties, and the ball will start rolling automatically. The most suitable channel for posting vacancies is LinkedIn, a business platform.

Insight into consumer needs

Social media makes it possible to gain insight into the wishes and needs of the customer. By regularly monitoring your social media channels, you can use the knowledge you have gained to improve or renew your products.
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Benefits of Exercising 30 Minutes a Day [Health]

Physical exercises help us stay healthy and strong. Hence, we dedicate this article to review the benefits of exercising 30 minutes a day.

Heals our cardiovascular system

As we mentioned at the beginning, a daily exercise routine has multiple benefits. This activity affects each of the organs of our body. As for the heart, the blood circulates better.
In this way, oxygen, which is essential for metabolism, can reach all body corners.
Precisely for this reason, the regular practice of physical exercises helps prevent heart disease.

Increases self-esteem

Exercise acts as an antidepressant, thus improving our mood. By extension, it increases self-esteem, that is, the necessary love for ourselves. It is a truth that we are still essential to face life in general when we feel essential from a physical point of view.

Improves quality of sleep

Regular exercise also affects your ability to relax and sleep better. Research currently shows that 150 minutes of intense exercise a week will increase the quality of sleep by up to 65%.
Likewise, the energy depletion produced by exercise helps stimulate recovery processes during sleep. In general, it could reduce insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Counteracts high blood pressure and diabetes

Especially benefited by physical exercise could be people who suffer from hypertension. Of course, to perform even the most moderate routine, you must have the doctor's approval that has followed the patient's progress.
If followed by a balanced diet, the advantages of daily physical activity practice are often enhanced. Although always under the assessment of a physician, some patients have even abandoned the medication. Such are the advantages of leading an active life and eliminating bad eating habits.
Likewise, physical activity, by promoting metabolism, also regulates blood glucose levels. Hence the importance of physical exercise for patients who have diabetes. Combined with a balanced diet, it cannot but be a source of well-being for people who see their quality of life diminished.

Other benefits

Physical exercises are not only beneficial for sick people, but for adults in general, because:
• It is a fact that they help to delay bone degeneration, which could lead to osteoporosis.
• They also contribute to preventing cancer, especially colon, breast, and prostate cancer. It is worth saying those that currently have the most prevalence in the world population.
• It boosts brain capacities by making blood circulation more efficient. Hence, when you practice them, you are more willing, focused, and creative.

What the experts say

Experts recommend a 30-minute physical activity at least four times a week. Now that you know first-hand the benefits of regular physical exercise, what are you waiting for? Make up your mind and start.

Tips to keep in mind when exercising

• Remember to go little by little. It could happen that at first, it costs you to complete the 30 minutes of a routine. It is advisable, in that case, not to push the body. Rather, watch your body's signals and respect them. Stop if, for example, you feel very fatigued. Once your breath is back, resume your routine. And so, little by little.
• Never forget to hydrate yourself well. It is extremely necessary to replace the fluid that we lose through sweating that accompanies physical exercise.
• Performing warm-up exercises will also prevent muscle and joint injury. Anticipating these types of setbacks, you make sure you are in a position to continue with your exercise routine.
• Special mention deserves the need for people with hypertension to keep a record of their blood pressure. To do this, it must be taken before and after practicing exercises. Thus, we will avoid any inconvenience.
For read more about 5 psychological benefits of playing sports.
Keep in mind that while we exercise, blood pressure tends to rise, although it later normalizes. However, it is not advisable to start exercising if the pressure is high. In that case, it will be better to wait for it to normalize. However, it is still best to ask a health professional for advice when in doubt.

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